Investment News!

SLOW FASHION – Because fast is royally screwing the planet…

Have you been wearing the same pair of joggers for 3 months? Well done!

But, STOP – before you go back to fast…the fashion industry’s growth over the last 15 years has transformed it into the 2nd most polluting industry on the planet!

So, here at BLUE14 we are LOVING loopster by Jane Fellner

loopster is a shopping platform for consumers to buy and sell brand new, and nearly new women’s and children’s clothing at the lowest prices.

And, anything loopster can’t sell, they donate to TRAID – a children’s clothing charity – saving it from landfill.

Plus, now big retailers are supporting too, by putting unsold stock into loopster.

So, what’s not to like?!

We think this purposeful start up has Blue Ocean Strategy written all over it….and are delighted to be invested alongside Development Bank Wales

Go team loopster!